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Bee Helygen

Black Sky

My name is Bee. I am a Goddess loving woman, mother, sister, wife, who has been blessed to have experience in many different paths of alternative spirituality. I am a full time Priestess here in Avalon, Glastonbury. My life is in service of Goddess and our community. I co-create the seasonal ceremonies for the temple, Melissa regularly in the Goddess Temple, I help dress the temple each season. My life is dedicated to the Goddess Community and my students, and I thank the Goddess every day for allowing me to be here. 

I trained with Erin Mc Cauliffe and Kathy Jones at the Goddess Temple for three years to become a Priestess. I continued my learning with Kathy’s Emotional Healing course and qualified as a teacher of this complementary therapy. I am a member of the Temple Weavers, who run the Goddess Temple day to day business. As a therapist I work in Goddess House Healing Centre in Glastonbury, using intuitive, crystal, sound, soul and energy healing. As a qualified Reiki healer I also work with patients in hospitals to aid in their recovery, primarily with the Elderly and Cancer Care. I am a volunteer with Marie Curie and visit the hospital each week. As a Death Priestess I sit with the dying and support the families as a Bereavement Counsellor. 

 I also dive deeper into the realm of Seership as a member of the Oracle of Avalon since its inception. I serve as an Embodiment and practiseTrance Mediumship, helping others with soul readings using cards and the elements. In recent years I have become interested in Past Life Regression because even Science now agrees that we carry the wounds of our Ancestors in our blood and cell memory, and there are patterns we run that we did not learn in this life. The soul is my field of study, I see the soul of every being rather than their outer form and personality. It helps me stay in my compassion and unconditional love for all existences. 

I teach, I learn, I practise, I experience and I write about these activities when I feel I have something worthwhile to share. I hope you enjoy reading my offerings.

In peace and love.

Blessed Be

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