Our devotion to Goddesses and Gods, Goddess/God, Goddess & God is a personal way of expressing our alignment and can be very different for everyone, just as our connection to the Feminine and Masculine is very personal. There is not one way, like many rivers we can flow together to the great sea of love and unity!
We hope you will enjoy our personal expression of devotion!
Goddess: Lady of our hearts,
You are the earth’s bounty and the earth’s yielding, the sap rising, fruit swelling, honey dripping, grain ripening, and the embrace of longing. You are the reaching that creates life out of itself, and the awakening of love that seeks joyous union.
Sweet compassionate Jewel Goddess of many faces. Giver of birth, life, death and rebirth: You are the end of all desire.
You who are the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars, the mystery of the waters, and desire of the heart.
You, the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe, You are the Mystery that calls us home.
You who are sensuality and deep connection, fierce presence, magic and transformation, nurturing breasts, sacred space and still centre.
All acts of love and pleasure are Your rituals.
You are the unfurling of each petal, nectar dripping, honey dewed kiss; the sweet release of fragrant scent: the intoxication of bluebells, rose and honey suckle, of may- and apple- blossom.
Queen of the Land, Initiatrix, Wise Lady of Life
and Love, You animate all beings into the exquisite unfurling of body, mind and spirit.
Horned God: Lord of our hearts,
Vibrant spirit of the wildwood, whose green blood fires the earth.
You are plant medicine, vision journey, deep ancient roots and new growth, the tender moist fingers of outstretched leaves and vibrant life force in all of nature.
Flame of the heart, You pulse in the land. You are the rut and protective courage, ready to make love to life, unreservedly. Your beauty soars, and joyously offers the dance of life to the great hunger.
Yours are the swell of wave and grain, the intoxication of grape and fruit. You are the movement of the stars, and the arrow of conscious action. You rise to serve the flow. Your who are Oak and Pine, crystal rod and magnetic centre.
Your presence is a magnificent stillness, while the music of Your laughter stirs the winds.
You are Lord of the Hunt and the Power of Love, whose voice calls the seasons.
Gatekeeper of the Labyrinth, Guardian of the rainbow bridge:
You are the answering joy of surrendered reverence that true intimacy and love inspire.
Goddess and God:
Your union is sweet and blesses all.
Devotional writing by Katinka Soetens
Lady and Lord of the Lake
Dark Moon June 2021 by Bee Helygen